Random notes of the day
- I lost my poppy pin. I had it for exactly a week, and now it's gone, and I know where it is, but I don't have it. Obviously. My mother said it would fall off sooner or later (emphasis on the sooner), and she was right, darn it. How do mothers do that?
- Just got back a little while ago from my Finance test...yeah...that was fun. You know how you study so much that you feel you couldn't possibly study more/stare at your notes any longer, but then the test is still difficult? Yeah, not a great feeling. Didn't have a number as an answer (and I was supposed to) for one of the questions, unless the answer really was PEG = 1 + gibberish. Hmm. Was a long test, too. Ah well. Did the best I could...
- On my way to the test, I passed by Convocation Hall where, apparently, the November convocation was just starting. Grads were lined up outside in robes, with family members and all that. Can't believe that in a year and a half, that'll be me. Or so I'd hope, I guess. Can't believe some of my friends are graduating this June...
Legends of the Fall is on TV right now. God, what a depressing movie. It's great. I was just thinking -- watch
Legends of the Fall and then
The Hours and then you'll be in a shiny, happy mood! I swear...
- I'm so tired right now. I think I'm just not going to do any more work today. I need a break. Or maybe I'll just go to sleep now. It's not like I have anything I need to be awake for, right? Well, 'cept for
Legends of the Fall, that is...
Anyway, toodles, and to all a good night.